Thursday, February 11, 2010

It points to the cross

The last 3 lines in a show I just watched:
  1. "I'm sorry.
  2. I'm so sorry______.
  3. Please forgive me."

The sophomore class (Class of 2012) are currently off on retreat. They will have opportunity for reconciliation.
  1. "I'm sorry.
  2. I'm so sorry _______.
  3. Please forgive me."

Lent is less than a week away.
  1. "I'm sorry.
  2. I'm so sorry ______.
  3. Please forgive me."

Fill in the blank. Say it often. Don't stop at 1. Don't stop at 2. Go for 3!
  1. Being sorry is merely a starting point.
  2. Admitting remorse face-to-face is humbling.
  3. Asking for forgiveness begins the healing process.

But the last lines in the show did not roll credits.
It was the embrace which marked the new beginning.

Evening prayer in the Magnificat: I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly. (Jn 10:10)

"I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry Jesus.
Please forgive me."

1 comment:

  1. This is a good one, Marissss.... you need to write more often...
